Monday, January 30, 2012

Double your Facebook "Likes" in 30 days

My friend Marcia LaReau is relatively new to social media marketing. Her business, Forward Motion LLC teaches the principles of career management. In a recent 30 day stretch Marcia had the good fortune of doubling her Facebook "likes" on the Forward Motion page. I was curious to know how she did it and she was willing to share her process:

  1. She reached out to friends on LinkedIn and Facebook.
  2. She contacted her existing clients and those she has worked with in the past.
  3. She invited her friends and clients to "like" her by sending a personal note to each person while promising to post content that would be beneficial to job seekers, the underemployed and the disenchanted members of our workforce. 
My favorite comment from Marcia was that her network told her they were "anxious to help her". This reminds me of a critical aspect of helps when your business is perceived as credible and authentic.

Here's what I take from Marcia's strategy. She has made a weekly marketing commitment to touch those who have been a part of her life. She understands the opportunity to engage by using social media. She honors the fact that too many marketers bombard their prospects with useless information. She provides relevant content that can be shared with several desired demographics that she serves. She knows that her quality content will be shared with others leading to more potential "likes".

This formula will allow for consistent growth in both "likes" and in revenue.

You are welcome to share your social media engagement success stories.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ditch the resume. The new normal?

A recent article by Rachel Emma Silverman at the Wall Street Journal gave examples of a new trend in company hiring. Instead of soliciting resumes when posting a job, companies are asking candidates for links to their social media profiles and video depicting why they want to work for the company.

Amen and hallelujah. I have dreamed of this day. It is hardly mainstream but this train has left the station. Ultimately the emotion and depth of social media will trump the static object known as the resume.

This reminds me of one of my favorite sayings..."when the people lead, the leaders will follow." In the past 5 years internet users have poured themselves onto social media sites for a multitude of reasons. Some good, some not. Most are looking for some form of engagement. The business world is now seeing the value of this level of engagement. The resume is not the tell all indicator of someone's worth. Social media allows a business to see a person's collective brand through their profiles, photos, videos and tweets.

The large brick wall of social media resistance is coming down, brick by brick.

Click here to view the complete article.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Your job is easier

Consider this amazing stat: 60% of the "sales cycle" is complete by the time a prospect interacts with your business directly. Social media combined with your website allow consumers and businesses to research every aspect of your offerings without you being involved in the conversation. The catch is that you need to have a presence that can be easily found.

This is mind boggling when you think it wasn't that long ago when we used the Yellow Pages and our local library to get some background info on something of interest.

Are you keeping up with the changes in this new era of marketing? Are you handling the 40% well and converting prospects to customers? Does your marketing strategy (with or without social media) show a measurable return on investment?

Lastly, do you know your cost for acquiring a customer? I will stress this in future posts because the use of social media is making it easier to do so. Anything that can make your job easier should be a priority.

Please share the challenges you have of measuring marketing ROI.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I'm not interesting!

Let me give some context to that statement.

Social media thrives on content. As I type this sentence on this blog post I am generating content. My mother would be proud.

Content is simply your company's, or your personal story expressed in a tweet, YouTube video or as a post on your Facebook page. Content has many dimensions. Often the goal of content is to get someone to share it with someone else.

There are many objections to social media usage. One of the most common is the "fear of generating content". When speaking with individuals about promoting their personal brand it is expressed as "I'm not interesting...what would I say?"

My branding sessions consist of exercises that determine values, mission, unique attributes and ultimately your legacy.  We need to get people and businesses to come to grips with why they are special. This is no easy task.

Simple question: Are you interesting? If yes, please tell why!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is your marketing plan as sophisticated as the State of Connecticut's?

If it isn't, you need to do some serious soul searching.

I awoke this morning to news that the State of Connecticut's Judicial Branch was beginning to use Twitter. They will post information about public hearings, state regulations, Supreme Court rulings and court closures due to weather among other things. Let's hear it for the state.

While the term government efficiency is an oxymoron you have to take notice of the state's ability to react to what the public desires. Instead of dismissing Twitter as a meaningless tool for adolescents hanging out at Starbucks, the state has developed a presence on one of social media's most effective communication tools. They choose to live among "their customers".

Acceptance of social media is in direct proportion to your business' desire to understand your customer. We are transitioning from "talk at you" marketing (radio, TV) to engagement marketing. Your customer will tell you where they are willing to listen to your message.

I believe that you must embrace the idea of engagement with your customers.  If you don't your competitors will. Do you want to lag behind a government agency when it comes to understanding this phenomenon?

Monday, January 16, 2012

FedUp with FedEx? They feel your pain!

Throughout the year we will highlight the many uses of social media. Here's an example of social media usage for customer service.

The story begins with an unfortunate FedEx delivery caught on video. In 21 seconds we witness a FedEx delivery carried out in un-FedEx like fashion when the driver heaves a computer monitor over the gate of a private home. There are few places left to hide in our well monitored society. For that reason businesses have to be vigilant when it comes to protecting their brand. FedEx's image was tarnished because of an unthinking, irresponsible employee.

FedEx's response is an example of the versatility of social media. Instead of letting one bad apple out of 290,000 employees change the perception of the company FedEx used social media to ask for forgiveness from this customer and the thousands who had seen the video. Take a moment to watch the heartfelt apology offered by FedEx.

If a tree falls in the woods, does anyone hear it? That philosophy is used by businesses who don't monitor how they are being talked about on social media. FedEx did not offer the "we are sorry but" excuse. They chose to offer a sincere apology and make amends with the customer.

How is your business set up to respond to a negative situation?

Friday, January 13, 2012

How do you prepare for Groundhog Day?

Punxsutawney Phil is a big deal in my house. Before that party starts I have an idea for the day before.

On February 1st I will host an event where we will talk about how your personal brand and social media usage can be used to have a major impact on your job search. The job search/recruitment paradigm is changing before our eyes. It's important to understand how today's search process can benefit you.

Jewish Employment Transition Services (JETS) in West Hartford will host the event beginning at 8AM at the Beth El Temple, 2626 Albany Avenue in West Hartford. Please refer to their website as we approach the date for more information.

This will be a highly interactive session. Bring an open mind and desire to have fun connecting with others. I look forward to meeting you!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The reason I love social media

I have given this a lot of thought and here's my conclusion for why I love social media:

I love conversations!

This may not sound like a revelation to you. I will make my case by constructing the elements of an effective conversation:

  • Asking questions
  • Listening
  • Gathering information
  • Re-stating others' observations
  • Genuine interest in the person and subject 
  • Mutual respect
  • Discussing solutions or reasons to continue the conversation in the future
Conversations occur throughout the day. How many include all of these elements? Do people talk at you...or speak with you? 

The Connecticut Re-Employment Group on LinkedIn has grown to 500+ members. The number of posted discussions has not grown as the group has grown in size. I see this in other online groups as well. People struggle with initiating conversations. Social media has exposed this issue. 

Social media is a place to work on our conversations. We don't have the advantage of being face to face, but the opportunity to delve into conversations online is greater now than ever. Quality conversations lead to a higher level of engagement and ultimately quality relationships. We have our own reasons for building relationships. Let's take advantage of these powerful communication tools. 

If you like this post...let's have a conversation! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Customer Service and Social Media

Ever heard this stat? If someone has a bad customer service experience they will tell 22 people. A good experience? The number drops to 7.

I don't have actual data to back that up, but it makes sense. Today I heard of two different stories from a good friend that had to do with poor customer service. In one case he was the customer. In the other, his business has a customer who is livid over one of his policies based on a scathing voice message he received.

In the case of his business he has a plan to accommodate the unhappy customer that will likely save the relationship. What he doesn't have is a strategy to monitor customer comments on social media. He estimates that his business has more than 1000 customers.

Humans make mistakes and customers will be upset. Customers are venting on social media unlike ever before. A bad customer experience can be turned around, thus the need to embrace social media.

If my business has 1000 customers it is likely that some of them won't be singing my praises. Social media represents a chance to save relationships that may have been harmed, especially if they are with reasonable, loyal customers who have helped build your business. For the unreasonable people...give them a list of your competitors.

Friday, January 6, 2012

EMBRACING Social Media: I need your help

Building a community means building relationships. I need to develop relationships with people in these 3 areas:

  1. Social Media Experts - They may be consultants, authors, marketers or bloggers. These people can speak with authority about how to be successful using social media as a marketing tool. 
  2. Business Development Professionals - Anyone that has responsibility in their business to grow the bottom line by adding customers and increasing revenue. 
  3. Social Media Nay Sayers - I want to include the universe of people that have dismissed social media for whatever reason. 
Your help building this community is appreciated. I prefer introductions, otherwise will add names of people you know to my database. As EMBRACING Social Media grows in numbers it will grow in ideas, solutions and revenue for your respective businesses. 

EMBRACING Social Media is currently a LinkedIn Group. It will expand in the spring to monthly meetings and ultimately webinars. 

EMBRACING Social Media - "Educate, Share and Prosper!" 

Thank you! 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Venture: EMBRACING Social Media

I am kicking the year off doing something that has been stirring around in my head for a while.

EMBRACING Social Media is an initiative that will link social media experts and the business community. Business owners, marketers, salespeople and advertising agencies will participate in discussions about the best ways to use social media, new platforms for engagement and success stories.

There is a void of knowledge in this area. There are too many people passing social media off as something not worthy of being a part of their marketing efforts. They may be right...they may not be right.

This is not a one size fits all community. Every business that has a marketing plan has different needs. We are not pushing one specific platform or method of engagement. We need open minds and a desire to learn something special.

The theme will be educate, share and prosper. 

EMBRACING Social Media will launch as a LinkedIn group, and will subsequently have a monthly meeting and ongoing webinar schedule.

For more information, contact Michael Lynch @ 860-882-2890 or

Thank you.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Time to Reflect and Envision

Reflect on 2011

1.  Where was I last January 1st?  Who was there with me?

2.  What victories have I had during the last year?

3.  What were my joys?

4.  For what have I been grateful?

5.  What are the most memorable experiences, both good and bad,
     from the year?

6.  From what or from whom did I learn and grow the most?

7.  What began the year?

8.  What ended the year?

9.  What remains incomplete that I will carry into the New Year?

Envision the New Year

10.  What projects, relationships, beliefs, and/or goals am I letting go of
       because they do not serve me as I move forward into the New Year?

11.  What are 3 intentions, goals or projects I will focus on in the
       New Year?

12.  Why are these the projects of choice for me now?

13.  How will it feel when I look back next December and celebrate these

Connect with Powerful Resources

14.  Who will support my development and vision this coming year?

15.  To whom will I lend support?

Remember to Celebrate ~
                                         If You Don't, Who Will? 

16.  How will I celebrate my successes, large and small, as they unfold
       this year?