Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What defines integrity these days?

When you describe your values to someone do you use the word integrity? Do you act with integrity? If yes, how so?

Here are today's headlines:

It's easy to find places where integrity is scarce. As Seth Godin professes...scarcity creates value. 

In a world where bad behavior makes headlines we should strive to define our personal integrity. You will demonstrate value to an employer, client, friend, neighbor and so on. Acting with integrity can be summed up in a story or two about what you have done to help someone else.

Throwing around terminology without definition ("I'm for world peace") tends to be seen as generic. When you hear something that makes you say..."aren't we all" take it one step further and present it from your vantage point. This lays the foundation for your brand.   


  1. I treat integrity as a necessity. I say what I'm going to do, I do what I say I'm going to do, if things change I explain why they changed, I own up to my mistakes, I don't lie, and I don't make promises I can't keep.

    It's a shame Congress can't do that....

  2. Dan - Thank you for the comment...and for reading the blog.
