- Start with Why. Why are you in business? Why should someone care? The work done at this stage will determine if you have an existence as a commodity (best price, quality and service), or one that attracts people who believe in what you believe. The latter will allow you to sustain.
- Who are the people who need to know you are in business? Another term for this is "perfect customer."
- What is the message you want to communicate to your desired audience? Hint: It is often based on your answer to step #1.
- How should you communicate the message? You know your audience...and you know what you want to say to them. The answer here could range from press releases, social media, supermarket sampling, skywriting to network television advertising. Every business is different, one size does not fit all.
- Engage. It's the marketing buzz word of the day. You no longer talk "at" prospects, you have conversations. Conversations include hearing something you may not want to hear.
- Measure. A marketing strategy is useless without measurement. Some ideas and methods are brilliant, some are duds. A marketing strategy is a living, breathing concept. It needs to be tweaked consistently. There is no such thing as the perfect marketing strategy.
Marketing is fun if you want it to be. It's from that mindset that you should build your strategy.