Friday, July 13, 2012

What came first, the chicken or

Humor me as I modify the age old question.

A current project that I am working on has multiple dilemmas revolving around the organization's identity. Years ago a website was set up that has content and functionality that doesn't reflect the current mission of the organization. Add to the mix the need to write proposals to secure business and not being sure how to position the organization or reference the website prior to changing it.

Sound familiar? Marketing plays a massive role in organizational identity and business development. When done correctly it eliminates confusion and differentiates your services from others.

When starting a business there are fundamental rules that should be followed. The first is...state why you started the business? The answer isn't "lowest price and best service" because everyone and his brother says the same. You have a reason you know in your heart as to why you chose to go this route. In addition to establishing your "why" is a set of beliefs that you have about your business and the market you serve. Find a way to articulate those beliefs. These critical points will be at the core of your marketing plan.

When Rollin King and Herb Kelleher wanted to start an airline 40+ years ago they were told they were crazy because at the time 15% of Americans flew and the market was already over crowded. Their response: "We want to serve the other 85%. We don't want to be an airline, instead a champion for the common man." Today we know that airline as Southwest Airlines, one of the few profitable airlines and country's strongest brands. When you fly Southwest you clearly understand the identity, culture and mission of their business.

Marketing becomes a bit easier when using the model Southwest used. They didn't build their website or marketing strategy prior to establishing why they would come to exist in the first place. It's a lesson for aspiring entrepreneurs and businesses unsure of why they lack growth.

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