Friday, July 27, 2012

Political Marketing: Why not versus Why

Political silly season is upon us. Here comes a barrage of unbearable television and radio commercials. It starts slowly in the summer and climaxes in November just as you volunteer to be water boarded.

Political pundits will tell you that "negative ads sell" proving that this subculture of our society sees the world upside down. It's not why we should vote for Joe Brown, it's why we shouldn't vote for Harry Williams.  And on and on and on. Have you noticed that more Americans can name this year's American Idol winner than they can the Vice-President? Wonder why? 

For the remainder of you in the sane world, craft your marketing message with the purpose, cause and beliefs of why you exist. The reason you shop at Whole Foods isn't because Stop & Shop sucks. You stand for something unlike anyone else. Make sure you tell us about it.

On the rare occasion that a politician states why you should vote for them, and does it with clarity and will hit you like a breath of fresh air. Scarcity creates value. And it makes for a rare, desirable politician.

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