Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why you need an elevator pitch

Feel free to insert "story" in the place of "elevator pitch."

From the book "Platform" by Michael Hyatt, here are his reasons:

  1. It forces you to achieve clarity yourself
  2. It helps you understand your customer's perspective
  3. It provides a tool for enrolling strategic partners
Here's my take. Whether you are a product or a person, you need an elevator pitch. 

His first point suggests that if clarity of mission is lacking, why should others be interested? Please refer to "Start with Why" for ideas on communicating a clear mission. 

His second point should be slightly modified for career managers by changing "customer's" to "hiring manager's." Does your story resonate with the person you are trying to engage? The best way to find out? Ask them. 

His last point speaks to the importance of having advocates for your cause. Promoting a product or person requires others to speak positively about your offerings. Lack of mission or lack of advocates will leave you stranded in neutral. 

The term elevator pitch is a bit outdated due to the platforms Michael Hyatt discusses in his book. Social media provides the ultimate platform for carrying out your mission of demonstrating uniqueness in a noisy world. 

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